суббота, 9 февраля 2013 г.

ислам про махди

by : : 02/04/13 : 2/4/2012 The Case for a Religious Review BoardВP Amil Imani It is time to establish a Religious Review Board (RRB.) Is this an outlandishly absurd proposal? Not at all. Serious problems require equally serious solutions.ВPВP The call for establishing a Religious Review Board may be seen as an attempt to curb Islam. The truth is:

by : , : 02/05/13 : Allah commands for loots, and Muhammad collects!!…

by : , : 02/05/13 : Send FFI some satire on Islam and Muslims…

Rand Paul: F-16 Sales to Egypt ‘A Mistake that Could Haunt Us’

“Beitar soccer fansвІ anti-Muslim racism”

Former Secretary-General of Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) will be Charged with War Crimes

Malaysia: Observing Valentine Day is Injurious to a MuslimвІ s Spiritual Health

Burkas for babiesвІ : Saudi clericвІ s new fatwa causes controversy

We are Against Hate, Not Faith

We are Against Hate, Not Faith | Faithfreedom.org

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